Kubernetes Security

KubeClarity is a tool for detection and management of Software Bill Of Materials (SBOM) and vulnerabilities of container images and filesystems. It scans both runtime K8s clusters and CI/CD pipelines for enhanced software supply chain security.

KubeClarity is the tool responsible for Kubernetes Security in the OpenClarity platform.

KubeClarity dashboard screenshot


SBOM & Vulnerability Detection Challenges

  • Effective vulnerability scanning requires an accurate Software Bill Of Materials (SBOM) detection:
    • Various programming languages and package managers
    • Various OS distributions
    • Package dependency information is usually stripped upon build
  • Which one is the best scanner/SBOM analyzer?
  • What should we scan: Git repos, builds, container images or runtime?
  • Each scanner/analyzer has its own format - how to compare the results?
  • How to manage the discovered SBOM and vulnerabilities?
  • How are my applications affected by a newly discovered vulnerability?


  • Separate vulnerability scanning into 2 phases:
    • Content analysis to generate SBOM
    • Scan the SBOM for vulnerabilities
  • Create a pluggable infrastructure to:
    • Run several content analyzers in parallel
    • Run several vulnerability scanners in parallel
  • Scan and merge results between different CI stages using KubeClarity CLI
  • Runtime K8s scan to detect vulnerabilities discovered post-deployment
  • Group scanned resources (images/directories) under defined applications to navigate the object tree dependencies (applications, resources, packages, vulnerabilities)


KubeClarity architecture diagram


  1. Supports Docker Image Manifest V2, Schema 2 (https://docs.docker.com/registry/spec/manifest-v2-2/). It will fail to scan earlier versions.


  • Integration with additional content analyzers (SBOM generators)
  • Integration with additional vulnerability scanners
  • CIS Docker benchmark in UI
  • Image signing using Cosign
  • CI/CD metadata signing and attestation using Cosign and in-toto (supply chain security)
  • System settings and user management
Last modified August 16, 2024: Openclarity rename (#45) (caba007)