
  • Dashboard
    • Fixable vulnerabilities per severity
    • Top 5 vulnerable elements (applications, resources, packages)
    • New vulnerabilities trends
    • Package count per license type
    • Package count per programming language
    • General counters
  • Applications
    • Automatic application detection in K8s runtime
    • Create/edit/delete applications
    • Per application, navigation to related:
      • Resources (images/directories)
      • Packages
      • Vulnerabilities
      • Licenses in use by the resources
  • Application Resources (images/directories)
    • Per resource, navigation to related:
      • Applications
      • Packages
      • Vulnerabilities
  • Packages
    • Per package, navigation to related:
      • Applications
      • Linkable list of resources and the detecting SBOM analyzers
      • Vulnerabilities
  • Vulnerabilities
    • Per vulnerability, navigation to related:
      • Applications
      • Resources
      • List of detecting scanners
  • K8s Runtime scan
    • On-demand or scheduled scanning
    • Automatic detection of target namespaces
    • Scan progress and result navigation per affected element (applications, resources, packages, vulnerabilities)
    • CIS Docker benchmark
  • CLI (CI/CD)
    • SBOM generation using multiple integrated content analyzers (Syft, cyclonedx-gomod)
    • SBOM/image/directory vulnerability scanning using multiple integrated scanners (Grype, Dependency-track)
    • Merging of SBOM and vulnerabilities across different CI/CD stages
    • Export results to KubeClarity backend
  • API

Integrated SBOM generators and vulnerability scanners

KubeClarity content analyzer integrates with the following SBOM generators:

KubeClarity vulnerability scanner integrates with the following scanners:

Last modified August 16, 2024: Openclarity rename (#45) (caba007)