First tasks - UI

After you have installed the KubeClarity backend and the KubeClarity CLI, complete the following tasks to see the basic functionality of KubeClarity web UI.

Runtime scan

To start a runtime scan, complete the following steps.

  1. Open the UI in your browser at http://localhost:9999/.

  2. From the navigation bar on the left, select Runtime Scan.

    Select runtime scan

  3. Select the namespace you want to scan, for example, the sock-shop namespace if you have installed the demo application, then click START SCAN. You can select multiple namespaces.

    Start a runtime scan on a namespace

  4. Wait until the scan is completed, then check the results. The scan results report the affected components such as Applications, Application Resources, Packages, and Vulnerabilities.

    Scan results

  5. Click on these elements for details. For example, Applications shows the applications in the namespace that have vulnerabilities detected.

    Scan results details

  6. Now that you have run a scan, a summary of the results also appears on the dashboard page of the UI.

    Dashboard with data

Vulnerability scan

  1. To see the results of a vulnerability scan, select the Vulnerabilities page in KubeClarity UI. It shows a report including the vulnerability names, severity, the package of origin, available fixes, and attribution to the scanner that reported the vulnerability.

    Vulnerability scan results

  2. You can click on any of these fields to access more in-depth information. For example, click on the name of a vulnerability in the VULNERABILITY NAME column.

    Details of a vulnerability

  3. Select CVSS to show the CVSS scores and other details reported from the scanning process.

    CVSS scores

  4. Navigate back to the Vulnerabilities view to explore the filtering options. Filtering helps you reduce noise and improve efficiency in identifying and potentially fixing crucial vulnerabilities.

    Filtering vulnerability scan results

  5. The KubeClarity Dashboard gives you insights into vulnerability trends and fixable vulnerabilities.

    KubeClarity dashboard

Next step

Check the common tasks you can do using the CLI tool.

Last modified August 16, 2024: Openclarity rename (#45) (caba007)