
The Trivy scanner supports remote mode using the Trivy server. The Trivy server can be deployed as documented here: Trivy client-server mode.

Instructions to install the Trivy CLI are available here: Trivy install.

The Aqua team provides an official container image that can be used to run the server in Kubernetes or docker, which we’ll use in the examples.

  1. Start the server:

    docker run -p 8080:8080 --rm aquasec/trivy:0.41.0 server --listen
  2. Run a scan using the server:

    SCANNERS_LIST="trivy" SCANNER_TRIVY_SERVER_ADDRESS="http://<trivy server address>:8080" ./kubeclarity_cli scan --input-type sbom nginx.sbom


The Trivy server also provides token based authentication to prevent unauthorized use of a Trivy server instance. You can enable it by running the server with --token flag:

docker run -p 8080:8080 --rm aquasec/trivy:0.41.0 server --listen --token mytoken

Then pass the token to the scanner:

SCANNERS_LIST="trivy" SCANNER_TRIVY_SERVER_ADDRESS="http://<trivy server address>:8080" SCANNER_TRIVY_SERVER_TOKEN="mytoken" ./kubeclarity_cli scan --input-type sbom nginx.sbom
Last modified August 16, 2024: Openclarity rename (#45) (caba007)