VMClarity development

Building VMClarity Binaries

Makefile targets are provided to compile and build the VMClarity binaries. make build can be used to build all of the components, but also specific targets are provided, for example make build-cli and make build-backend to build the specific components in isolation.

Building VMClarity Containers

make docker can be used to build the VMClarity containers for all of the components. Specific targets for example make docker-cli and make docker-backend are also provided.

make push-docker is also provided as a shortcut for building and then publishing the VMClarity containers to a registry. You can override the destination registry like:

DOCKER_REGISTRY=docker.io/tehsmash make push-docker

You must be logged into the docker registry locally before using this target.


make lint can be used to run the required linting rules over the code. golangci-lint rules and config can be viewed in the .golangcilint file in the root of the repo.

make fix is also provided which will resolve lint issues which are automatically fixable for example format issues.

make license can be used to validate that all the files in the repo have the correctly formatted license header.

To lint the cloudformation template, cfn-lint can be used, see https://github.com/aws-cloudformation/cfn-lint#install for instructions on how to install it for your system.

Unit tests

make test can be used run all the unit tests in the repo. Alternatively you can use the standard go test CLI to run a specific package or test like:

go test ./cli/cmd/... -run Test_isSupportedFS

Generating API code

After making changes to the API schema in api/openapi.yaml, you can run make api to regenerate the model, client and server code.

Testing End to End

For details on how to test VMClarity end to end please see End-to-End Testing Guide.

Last modified August 16, 2024: Openclarity rename (#45) (caba007)